This Is Shyama Buttonshaw | NobodySurf

This Is Shyama Buttonshaw

Surfer/Shaper Shyama Buttonshaw Playlist & Interview 7 Videos ・ Last Updated: Jun 28 2024

I'm shyama pronounced 'sharma'. I am a board shaper based in the Surf Coast Shire in Australia. I grew up living in the bush behind Bells Beach in Australia on my mum's property. I fell in love with surfing from a young age with my dad taking me down weekly. Around 2015, I had a really serious wipeout surfing a slab around home. As a result, I ended up tearing all my ligaments in my knee. This forced me to stop surfing for 16 months which ended up being a blessing, opening up my surfing to riding longboards and the like. Through this process I fell in love with chasing different feelings and connections I wasn't having with my short boarding. I have made my own boards from start to finish since I was 18. Working alongside Maurice Cole, Simon Anderson and Corey Graham in a variety of factories. I have my own studio at Bells Beach where I work full-time with one of my best friends Darcy Day.

Nickname: Sharm

Born and raised: Bells Beach, Australia

Based now: Bells Beach, Australia

Stance: Regular

When and how did you start surfing?

I started surfing when I was a little kid with my dad Simon Buttonshaw.

Where is your go-to surf spot?

Bells Beach and Winkipop, Victoria, Australia

When and how did you start shaping?

I first started shaping whilst working with Maurice Cole around 2011. I worked at his factory doing the sanding, filler coats, and repairs. Any spare time, I would spend sitting on a little chair in the corner of his shaping bay, watching Maurice shape and quizzing him on board design. During my time working for Maurice, I spent some time over in France working with Simon Anderson and Christian Bradley at Euroglass. I rode Simon's boards for a long time growing up. He has been a huge influence on my surfboard knowledge.

Please tell us about the surfboard you usually ride. Brand, shaper, dimensions, fin setup, etc.

I use mainly my own surfboards (Shyama Buttonshaw Designs). I ride a variety of boards from performance shortboards, to fishes, mini gliders, logs and gliders. My shortboards are 5'11" x 18 1/4" x 2 3/16" Mini gliders are 6'10"- 8'3" x 21"- 21 1/2" x 2 3/4" gliders and logs 9'0"-12" x 22 5/8"- 23 1/4" x 3".

Tell us where we can purchase the board.

You can find my boards at:

RIDE SURF + SPORT, Tokyo, Japan

Pilgrim Surf + Supply, NYC, USA

Custom ordered from my studio at Bells Beach, AUS

Which one video would you highlight in this playlist and why?

Bells Beach before dark 9'9" Glider. This shows my early exploration of riding gliders in slightly larger surf. There were plenty of changes I needed to make to my technique and shaping but it shows the foundation of the feelings I was chasing.

Who are the surfers that inspire you?

Watching Craig Anderson's affinity with the ocean is really something inspiring. Same thing with Caity Simmers, her connection with the whole picture of surfing is so mature and instinctual.

Ryan Burch is one of my favorite surfer shapers. He is so gifted riding the whole spectrum of boards. He has one of the most authentic connections to the process of design through his own experience.

Beau Foster is one of the most intuitive surfers I have ever seen. I liken his surfing to jazz, he has extreme flow, but is very spontaneous. His surfboards are a huge reflection of his intuition.

Ellis Ericson is one of the most refined surfer shapers I have connected with. I admire his true lines and his ability to ride a diverse range of his own craft at an exceptional level.

What are the surf films/videos that inspire you?

Noa Deane - MASH


Ryan Burch's section - Psychic Migrations

Tracks you love?

Spotify Playlist: Shyama Buttonshaw

  1. “Zürich Is Stained” by Pavement
  2. “Echo's Answer” by Broadcast
  3. “Bawsey” by Nathan Fake
  4. “Jennifer” by Faust
  5. “Evensong” by Brian Eno, Robert Fripp
  6. “North” by phoenix
  7. “The Right to Remain Silent” by Silver Jews
  8. “Need 2” by Pinegrove
  9. “The One to Wait” by CCFX
  10. “Otis - 2024 Remaster” by The Durutti Column
  11. “Fanfare for naran ratan” by naran ratan